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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • smb@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDear iPhone users:
    9 days ago

    the OS was not the comparison, but the hardware it runs on (just as @Freefall said) but also you seem to be wrong with your other assumption:

    And both those devices are tied to a specific OS.

    Which seems not to be the case as install instructions for another OS can be found here (i didn’t try it though) for the mentioned device:


    lineage os still is an “android”, but another vendor with clearly different approach than the original firmware and what hinders you from writing bsd drivers and compiling a bsd kernel for it instead? So i count the Xperia 1 III as NOT bound to any OS or OS vendor.

    But despite the way longer possible support/security, freedom of choice and endless other possibilities that often come along with free OS choice, this pure and great advantages weren’t even mentioned there, thus it wasnt an OS comparison as it also wasn’t a bound-to-an-OS vs. absentness of vendor-lock-in-limitation-jungle comparison.

  • First contact was on the here-named eta-carinae system, we did a holiday tour there long ago and heared about earth from a scientist that rescued a human instead of just studying and thus could not leave him there with his memories about him. the human was talking about star trek, its similarities and real differences all the time. he already spoke fluently in standard Sjesh/sound w/o any interfaces so we listened directly to his true mind. he even had a very worn out tng tshirt in his personal memory items box. i mean he really had used his memory items before! that made us curious and the rest is history. However he is now back here, as we managed to arrange his behavioral training to hide his experiences well, he passed all the tests and got his transport back, but with his biologic cells clock reset to his 20th to compensate the decades he lost out there a little bit. it is possible he could become an ambassador for earth one day, but it looks unlikely that he would want that given the circumstances here, a task he always compares with the mytholigical boulder of Sisyphus (that really never existed physically) whenever he is asked about his opportunity.

    just kidding, first contact with TNG was in school, other kids talked about the first episode. i could not watch it at home and also had other problems to fix at that time so i missed a lot of the start of it :-/

    however i am trying to train myself for writing in general as i have ideas for a longer story (but not within the trek universe) and as the above text came to my mind i just wrote it and hope you don’t find it too misplaced here or badly written… however any feedback is welcome.

  • maybe there was a mixup of individual datapoints and individual persons.

    lets see if that could fit.

    as far as i read things in this thread, the whole security is based on exactly these datapoints: Full Name, Date of Birth and SSN (three datapoints) plus username and password for 3 sites (six datapoints) makes 3+6= 9 datapoints per person.

    2.9 billion (us) should be 2.900.000.000 (correct me if i’m wrong, but where i live one “billion” is actually “” thus a “bit” more)

    divided by 9 those 2.9billion would be ~ 320 million.

    on wikipedia they say the us had 331 million people in 2020…

    that would fit like an ass on a bucket! lol just to mention that.

    have a nice day!

  • we need an adblockers blockers blocker

    no, what is needed is an app that helps track who benefits from thr apps that annly you most:

    • ownership of companies pushing annoying ads
    • management of companies pushing annoying ads
    • find the connection between those and the products you maybe want to buy in shops or in internet before you buy, then instead of buying, let the app send the seller a message that you did not buy because of that connection.
    • do this in numbers with lots of people and see what happens to the advertising jungle

    the point is NOT buying because of advertising AND let them know it, so they can learn to improve themselves.

    they wanted your data? let them have it the way you want them to.

    same with any platform. ask the creator of your choice to also publish using patreon and you’ll become a member then, getting the content free of ads. better more directly pay who does the actual work, not all the big tech harvesting all the benefit inbetween.

    so what maybe is needed here could be a free or even self-hostable platform that also allows payed subscriptions.

  • really, yt stopped to play sound on the website for me (beeing logged in), there is a banner to “activate sound” but it always disappears unclickable fast, so i searched and found webtube, an app that basically loads their website, but has one feature youtube has not: “sound” *lol

    now i wonder how many of these apps really are “third” party apps and not really theirs only masked as third party for getting that gain of trust all the “others” get when it comes to big techs with their very own “public” crime records …

    would be too easy for them to create some small apps, act as if those were 3rd party software but harvest that spyoil (of the 21 century) anyway.

  • smb@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneLegitimately ugly rule
    1 month ago

    i think its also a very good symbol of how the US just forgets about even their very own laws at a snap of a finger and that no nation in the world (not even the us itself) can ever trust them with anything. like for example the so called freedom of religion when we’re at the Sioux Blackbhills anyway.

  • you should definitely know what type of authentication you use (my opinion) !! the agent can hold the key forever, so if you are just not asked again when connecting once more, thats what the agent is for. however its only in ram, so stopping the process or rebooting ends that of course. if you didn’t reboot meanwhile maybe try unload all keys from it (ssh-add -D, ssh-add -L) and see what the next login is like.

    btw: i use ControlMaster /ControlPath (with timeouts) to even reduce the number of passwordless logins and speed things up when running scripts or things like ansible, monitoring via ssh etc. then everything goes through the already open channel and no authentication is needed for the second thing any more, it gets really fast then.

  • The whole point of ssh-agent is to remember your passphrase.

    replace passphrase with private key and you’re very correct.

    passphrases used to login to servers using PasswordAuthentication are not stored in the agent. i might be wrong with technical details on how the private key is actually stored in RAM by the agent, but in the context of ssh passphrases that could be directly used for login to servers, saying the agent stores passphrases is at least a bit misleading.

    what you want is:

    • use Key authentication, not passwords
    • disable passwordauthentication on the server when you have setup and secured (some sort of backup) ssh access with keys instead of passwords.
    • if you always want to provide a short password for login, then don’t use an agent, i.e. unset that environment variable and check ssh_config
    • give your private key a password that fits your needs (average time it shoulf take attackers to guess that password vs your time you need overall to exchange the pubkey on all your servers)
    • change the privatekey every time immediately after someone might have had access to the password protected privkey file
    • do not give others access to your account on your pc to not have to change your private key too often.

    also an idea:

    • use a token that stores the private key AND is PIN protected as in it would lock itself upon a few tries with a wrong pin. this way the “password” needed to enter for logins can be minimal while at the same time protecting the private key from beeing copied. but even then one should not let others have access to the same machine (of course not as root) or account (as user, but better not at all) as an unlocked token could also possibly be used to place a second attacker provided key on the server you wanted to protect.

    all depends on the level of security you want to achieve. additional TOTP could improve security too (but beware that some authenticator providers might have “sharing” features which could compromise the TOTP token even before its first use.

  • My theory is that you already have something providing ssh agent service

    in the past some xserver environments started an ssh-agent for you just in case of, and for some reason i don’t remember that was annoying and i disabled it to start my agent in my shell environment as i wanted it.

    also a possibility is tharlt there are other agents like the gpg-agent that afaik also handles ssh keys.

    but i would also look into $HOME/.ssh/config if there was something configured that matches the hostname, ip, or with wildcards* parts of it, that could interfere with key selection as the .ssh/id_rsa key should IMHO always be tried if key auth is possible and no (matching) key is known to the ssh process, that is unless there already is something configured…

    not sure if a system-wide /etc/ssh/ssh_config would interfere there too, maybe have a look there too. as this behaviour seems a bit unexpected if not configured specially to do so.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat's your favourite country and why?
    1 month ago


    • no bad politics
    • no wars so far
    • people there are mainly interested in science
    • no economic abuse or exploitation
    • pinguins!
    • no air conditioning needed to survive the summer.
    • winter is offline time, visitors won’t arrive or leave then.
    • last place to stay cool during boomers heritage “heat death of our planet”

    well sure, it has downsides too. Next Rollercoaster park is -tbh- unreachable, internet connection is sloo.oo…oow (or did they already finish the submarine fibre cable?) and sunbathing basically only brings you frost bites (if you’re lucky).

    However i am not planning to migrate there.

  • we are a tech company. we had several floors in two near but separate buildings. we had as many toilets for woman as we had for men. basically each floor had one for woman and one for men which had a pissoir too. as we had > 90% men, mens toilets always had a waiting line after lunch time (not for the pissoir, however). on one floor the only woman was a trainee who (normal here) often had to go to school for 3weeks in a row, that was when men just used womens toilet as there was no woman to use it on the floor and the other woman on the other floor of that building literally had her very own toilet to share with no one. (rest of all the woman happened to work in the other building)

    then the company started to build its own building to leave the rental situation and at the same time to better longterm meet some necessarities that come along with the market niche that the company serves. (there are some laws regulating some physical aspects of the building for our services.)

    one if the promises was, that the “toilet situation” would be improved with the new building.

    the new building then had larger toilets on each floor. the space was then used to still have one toilet for men, but now there were two pissoirs! and two large sinks just for washing hands. yay! womens bathroom now have 3 toilets on each floor each and also the large sinks too. same amount of toilets for 90% of empleyee, the 10% have now triple number toilets they had before and double the space for washing, using mirror etc.

    The woman basically gets her own.

    exactly, and when men don’t have enough toilets, women actually gets build more of them to “statistically” solve the problem !! 🤣

  • there is in fact only regulation as long as it is legal. how do you regulate if it is illegal? it only gets hidden then. and literally everywhere it went bad when it became illegal. everything you claim to want to achieve (regulation and workplace security) is completely lost and things get worse, more victims, less control, violence cannot be prosecuted cause none would go to police when anything happens, etc etc. , that is until it becomes legal again, but until then making it illegal even short time would cause way more damage than is possible to “fix” in a decade or two. just read about what happened where govs already took that path. if you want it to get out of control and destroy health and lifes, and create ground for forced prostitution (aka slavery), then yes, making it illegal is the way you get exactly that result.

    and for the relationship thing… as far as i know (which is not much) the mayority of such customers already are in a relationship (mostly the one called marriage) while singles way less do such.