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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • It’s actually the IDF that uses Palestinians as human shields and routinely kidnaps kids and tortures them. WHICH THEY DO.

    The use of Palestinians as human shields by Israeli Defense Forces has been documented by human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem and Amnesty International.[6][7][8] According to B’Tselem, IDF soldiers put Palestinian civilians in front of them or otherwise putting civilians in the line of fire,[9] and forcing Palestinians to remove suspicious objects (possible explosives).[9] IDF soldiers also force Palestinian civilians to walk through suspected booby-trapped buildings. Israel also formerly employed the “neighbor procedure” in which Palestinian civilians were forced to attempt to persuade wanted individuals to surrender themselves to the IDF.[10] The latter practice was defended by the Israeli defense ministry, but prohibited in 2005 by the Israeli Supreme Court,[11] though there have been accusations of its employment even after the ruling.[12][13] During the 2009 invasion of Gaza, IDF reportedly used Palestinian families (both adult and children) as human shields.[14][15]

  • How is any of that based on something besides your personal preference? What does quite bad mean? And what is “close to alcohol?” How much alcohol? How high?

    I’ve also never met a person that drinks A beer. I’ve met lots that drink beers and call it a beer to minimize their habits though.

    No offense but your opinion sounds like an anti drug ad from the 90’s made by someone who’s yet to admit their drug of choice is even a drug.

  • I don’t see how intent is relevant, to someone using Celsius, 40 degrees is hot because they’re used to that, that’s the only thing that matters. Besides, when it comes to body temperature, Celsius is a lot closer than Fahrenheit. Not to mention “it’s freezing outside” in Celsius is actually sub zero, and not a number close to your body temperature as it is in Fahrenheit.