Wow this is copypasta material here.
I hope this is true any source I could read more?
Make sense thanks!
Tldr please.
Just going to comment here to make sure I continue to exist.
Dude got Spanish or English
US broke those list like a bingo card.
I think it is the convenience and there is no punishment for littering nor the reward for not throwing. Yes there is environment but it’s like a collective thing. It’s something else when a person would instantly connect that it’s his/her action did that. There is also how they learned it from their peers or parents. Doesn’t help when it’s tolerated in the society. Personally makes my blood boil seeing someone littering, the most I would do is just pick it up myself while the person is there. Rather than making a scene and ask him/her to pick it up. That way I give shame to his/her behavior.
Probably just get away from the city or away from the radiation, forget about helping recovery effort as initial response. That can happen once your safe.
Just make sure to reply again to prevent being garbage collected.
Watching grass grow? Joke
Patreon, pay by visit, ads. Personally I just want news sites to be not own by a billionaire.
Yeah your right my observation is just more on the technology side of thing they are more advance. We just happen to know a lot about rats psychology and their anatomy as a side effect trying to advance ours.
My thought was they will always be in the frontiers of medicine since they are used as experiments. Results from rat experiments does not usually equate to be successful to humans. Not saying we should forgo ethics and do human experiments right away, just an observation.
Doesn’t matter post it here either way we want engagement here not in Google.
Ask for more copy, turn it into toilet paper. Repeat.
It’s for emergency exit.