She didn’t leave. She was fired. Watch recent interviews with her.
She didn’t leave. She was fired. Watch recent interviews with her.
You sad little trolls are weird. Reddit is just fine. Same shit every day. Nobody even gives a shit about Lemmy whining.
I remember going to the Holocaust museum in 8th grade. How times have changed.
No one is on the street because they are lazy. What an entirely ignorant and stupid comment. Come to the West coast idiot. I can show you plenty of people that are lazy ass mother fuckers among the homeless. Not all, but enough.
You’re going to get downvoted into oblivion for speaking the truth. Lemmy is full or libritards who are just as bad as the far right nutjobs. Both don’t live in reality.
If they had put that in Max’s ears Vecna would have been dead and the Upside Down purged completely.
It’s not. This place and most of the people in it are worse than pond scum.
Shush retard
Some of y’all need to learn to read. This discussion is about porn on apps specifically. Not complete access availability.
Found the Republitard
Spoken like someone who has no fucking idea what they’re talking about.
Rational… yup. No you are just a sad little child that can’t grow up
Ever heard of budgeting? Saving? Yeah, that’s what people do when they want to take a vacation. Anybody with half a brain can do it. Just takes discipline. Something you clearly don’t have.
Might want to seek professional help for that bud.
No it doesn’t. Poor as dirt and go almost every year. So many idiots in this thread have no idea what they’re talking about. Just parroting the media.
Fan message boards where people actually loved what they were fans of. Now you go onto the internet to talk about that show or game you love and it’s nothing but people shitting on your joy.
You shut your whore mouth about a legend kid.
My sister sent me this a while ago and it’s scary how accurate this is.
You whiners are funny. Circlejerk just as bad as Reddit but think you’re different.